In response to the recent newsletter from the Clarence Bicknell Association, Dssa. Daniela Gandolfi, director of the Istituto Internazionale di Studi Liguri and of the Museo Bicknell in Bordighera, Italy, sent us a most informative note about their recent work on Clarence Bicknell. The world was most impressed with their 2018 exhibition celebrating the centenary of Bicknell’s death and you can see more about it on the excellent new museum web site http://www.museobicknell.com/centenario. There are many useful pages on the web site including the books about Clarence available for sale. Here is Daniela’s note…
“Dear Marcus, thanks for this update and many compliments for your business and for the studies of prof. Graham Avery in favor of knowledge about the life and great work of Clarence Bicknell. As you know, between 2020-2021 the IISL made its contribution with the publication of the following works:

We have posted this useful list on our web site www.clarencebicknell.com/news and on our Facebook page which got a reach of 11,700 people in the last 28 days, and 655 post engagements. Clarence Bicknell is probably better know now than at any time before or after his death and we thank Daniela and all her friends in Bordighera for their continued interest. We are grateful to everyone involved.
- L’erbario di Clarence Bicknell tra Riviera e Alpi Marittime, a cura di D. Arobba, R. Caramiello, D. Gandolfi, IISL, Bordighera 2020
- Clarence Bicknell, uomo delle Meraviglie. Il “lotto 2017”, a cura di D. Gandolfi, L. Ansaldo, G. Russo, IISL, Bordighera 2021.
- Bordighera ai tempi di Bicknell e Monet, a cura di G. Caudano e M. Cassini, IISL, Bordighera 2021
- Clarence Bicknell e Thomas Hanbury. Due grandi vittoriani in Riviera (Quaderni degli Amici dei GBH, 3), AGBH, Ventimiglia 2021
- L’Album Berger. Una raccolta di fotografie in onore di Thomas Hanbury. L’omaggio dei botanuici per il 75° genetliaco, IISL, Bordighera 2021 (tra i botanici è ovviamente presente anche Clarence Bicknell).”
We have posted this useful list on our web site www.clarencebicknell.com/news and on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/clarencebicknell which got a reach of 11,700 people in the last 28 days, and 655 post engagements. Clarence Bicknell is probably better know now than at any time before or after his death and we thank Daniela and all her friends in Bordighera for their continued interest. The photos shows various Museo Bicknell events in the last few years and feature Dssa. Daniela Gandolfi in all of them along with gliterati such as the mayor of Bordighera and her team members Claudia Roggero and Giovanni Russo. We are grateful to everyone involved.
Marcus Bicknell, Chairman, Clarence Bicknell Association. 9th March 2022