
Gisella Merello (storica, ricercatrice e scrittrice di Bordighera, e Compagna dell’Associazione Clarence Bicknell) ha onorato l’Associazione Clarence Bicknell chiedendoci di pubblicare su questo sito quattro dei suoi articoli, in italiano. Sono ciascuno relativo a Bordighera e Clarence Bicknell in modi diversi. Gisella Merello (historian, reseacher and writer in Bordighera, and Companion of the Clarence Bicknell

Articoli di Gisella Merello Read More »

Excerpt… set off in search of the largest Ficus macrophylla in western Europe. The tree, commonly known as the strangler fig, was planted in 1886 by Clarence Bicknell, British botanist, collector, lover of Esperanto and chaplain of Bordighera’s Anglican church.Bicknell loved the hilly, pine-covered coast between Sanremo and the French Riviera, but ended up loathing

Bicknell and Bordighera in The Guardian Read More »