
Gisella Merello (storica, ricercatrice e scrittrice di Bordighera, e Compagna dell’Associazione Clarence Bicknell) ha onorato l’Associazione Clarence Bicknell chiedendoci di pubblicare su questo sito quattro dei suoi articoli, in italiano. Sono ciascuno relativo a Bordighera e Clarence Bicknell in modi diversi. Gisella Merello (historian, reseacher and writer in Bordighera, and Companion of the Clarence Bicknell

Articoli di Gisella Merello Read More »

I enjoyed falling upon this excellent article by Sarah Monks of the University of East Anglia about Elhanan Bicknell, Clarence’s father, and JMW Turner over The Whalers. Read it in full at Excerpt: And yet [Turner] was also looking to sell his whaling pictures, to a wealthy contemporary-art-loving patron, rendering up an artistic commodity

Elhanan Bicknell, Turner and “The Whalers” Read More »

We have just spent a pleasurable and stimulating day in London town presenting to the Kensington and Chelsea Over-50s Forum; beautifully run and in close harmony with the borough council. The event was in the presentation room of the Holy Trinity Church Sloane Square and I presented alongside Turner expert Selby Wittingham. One of the

Elhanan Bicknell, Clarence’s father, live in London Read More »

Clarence Bicknell – a video invitation to you from Marcus Bicknell to join the Clarence Bicknell Association – aimed primarily at Bicknells and the wider family in the USA, Europe and worldwide. Yes please, we would love your modest support, and it would be a pleasure to count you among our number. Marcus Bicknell invites

Clarence Bicknell – a video invitation Read More »