The Man

Writing Clarence Bicknell expressed himself in many ways; in his disciplines like botany and archaeology, in his collecting and recording which underpinned those two disciplines, his art (especially botanical), his beliefs (Christianity, Esperanto and pacifism in that order), his friends (the visitors’ book at the Casa Fontanalba and his activities in Bordighera bear witness) and […]

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CLARENCE BICKNELL (1842-1918) This list of dates helps the reader situate Clarence’s life  alongside other world and local events.  1838 Queen Victoria crowned 28 June 1838 The first photograph taken, by Louis Daguerre in France and William Henry Fox-Talbot in Britain.Clarence’s father Elhanan began to buy the works of art which were to form one of

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  Clarence Bicknell (1842-1918)  Essentially Victorian by Peter Bicknell The  mini-biography below was written by Peter Bicknell in 1988 and has been on this page of the website since 2013. In 2018 the authorised biography was published in book form, MARVELS: The Life of Clarence Bicknell, Botanist, Archaeologist, Artist by Valerie Lester. The book is

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