The Ancient King, l’Antico Re, was the name used by Clarence Bicknell and other botanists of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries for Saxifraga florulenta. Botanists and enthusiasts have always spent many patient hours in search of this rarity, and forever will. It is wonderful and exciting to find it in bloom. Read the short paper by our frend Elisabetta Massardo with her photos and a watercolour by Clarence at https://clarencebicknell.com/wp-content/uploads/saxifraga_florulenta_elisabetta_massardo_feb_2021.pdf
Clarence’s watercolour (image right) is in the collection at the University of Genoa where 3,428 of his botanical watercolours are stored alongside 10,146 pressed flower samples (herbaria). We thank Professor Mauro Mariotti for the copy and the reproduction rights.
The Ancient King, l’Antico Re, così venne chiamata da Clarence Bicknell e dagli altri botanici dell’epoca tra fine Ottocento e inizio Novecento per Saxifraga florulenta . I botanici e gli appassionati hanno sempre speso molte ore pazienti alla ricerca di questa rarità. È meraviglioso e emozionante trovarla fiorita. Leggete il breve articolo della nostra amica Elisabetta Massardo con le sue foto e un acquerello di Clarence su https://clarencebicknell.com/wp-content/uploads/saxifraga_florulenta_elisabetta_massardo_feb_2021.pdf

L’Ancien Roi, “The Ancient King”, était le nom utilisé par Clarence Bicknell et d’autres botanistes de la fin du XIXe et du début du XXe siècles pour Saxifraga florulenta. Les botanistes et les passionnés ont toujours passé de nombreuses heures à la recherche de cette rareté, et le feront à jamais. Il est merveilleux et excitant de le trouver la plante en fleur. Lisez le court article de notre amie Elisabetta Massardo avec ses photos, et une aquarelle de Clarence Bicknell de son Ancien Roi sur https://clarencebicknell.com/wp-content/uploads/saxifraga_florulenta_elisabetta_massardo_feb_2021.pdf