We are delighted to announce that Clarence Bicknell will be well represented at an international conference on The Paradise of the English in the Ligurian Riviera – Stories, Landscapes and People at the Villa Marigola near La Spezia in Italy on 25-26 March 2022. I have been invited to present a paper and have co-authored with historian and writer Gisella Merello from Bordighera. Our paper is entitled “The flora of the Ligurian Riviera and the Maritime Alps as seen by Clarence Bicknell”. Gisella will present it in Italian.
At the same event Dssa. Daniela Gandolfi, director of the Istituto Internazionale di Studi Liguri and of the Museo Bicknell in Bordighera will speak at the conclusion of the conference.
All admirers of Clarence Bicknell are appreciative of the efforts of those that keep his legacy alive and relevant. Congratulations. We thank also Judith Wade and Gaetano Zoccali of Grandi Giardini Italiani Srl (www.grandigiardini.it and www.greatgardensoftheworld.com) for identifying Clarence Bicknell as one of the cultural movers and shakers of the Italian Riviera, botany and mountains.
Details at https://www.grandigiardini.it/articoli-scheda.php?id=220
The proceedings of the conference are being published in time for the event and we expect to inform you of the means of getting hold of a copy. If you would like to see the paper by Gisella and me please email me at info@clarencebicknell.com
“La flora della Riviera Ligure e delle Alpi Marittime vista da Clarence Bicknell” Marcus Bicknell-Gisella Merello . Il Paradiso degli Inglesi nella Riviera Ligure. Storie, paesaggi e persone, 25 e 26 Marzo 2022. La storica Gisella Merello ricorderà l’incredibile avventura botanica ed artistica del pastore anglicano Clarence Bicknell: «nel 1878 venne in Italia come cappellano di Bordighera, si innamorò subito della luce, dei paesaggi e della flora della Riviera e decise di fermarsi nella località ligure. Appena installato, cominciò a dipingere i fiori. Nel giro di sette anni realizzò più di mille acquarelli e nel 1885 pubblicò Flowering Plants and Ferns of the Riviera, volume sulle piante fiorite e sulle felci della costa ligure con 82 tavole a colori e note riguardanti 280 specie».ContattiVILLA MARIGOLA, Via Biaggini, 1. 19032 Lerici (SP)M. +39 338 4644392 M. +39 335 230743 E.