Tim Leach, the family Tribbioli/Taggiasco and the Museo Bicknell

We were delighted this week to receive a video from our friend Tim Leach in Tende, the resting place of another friend, Clarence Bicknell. Tim wrote “Hi Marcus! I was down in Bordighera a few weeks ago, making a YouTube video, and included a visit to the Museo Bicknell. I thought you might be interested: https://youtu.be/LYxWJ8L85Do?t=32 You can fast-forward to the Museo Bicknell at 3 mins 40 seconds, but the whole video has terrific style and Tim’s take on Bordighera is fun and interesting. I see now that he is a successful YouTuber with 37 videos and 38,000 views, many about his corner of Italy. Welcome to “Tim in Tende”! Follow Tim, an Englishman who fell in love with Tende, a charming village in Alpes-Maritimes, nestled at the border between France and Italy. Do browse the titles at www.youtube.com/@TiminTende. The blurb there gives a summary of Tim’s output… “Join him as he showcases this fascinating region, from its majestic mountains to the enchanting Vallée des Merveilles with its prehistoric rock engravings. Explore the nearby ski resort on the Italian side, and in just an hour, discover both the French and Italian Riviera. Witness Tim’s daily adventures, from gardening to DIY, and immerse yourself in the magic of this picturesque location.” Tim adds “I haven’t filmed anything else about Clarence yet, but I’m planning to do a proper video about the Vallée des Merveilles in the Spring, once the snow melts. My intention is to include Fontanalba, Clarence and the engravings.”

Tim had the good taste and the good fortune to marry an Italian, Lorenza Tribbioli. Her family is linked to the Museo Bicknell in a way I never imagined. Lorenza’s father Giorgio writes “La mia zia, Cerrina Cristina in Taggiaasco, sorella di mia nonna Cerrine Carolina in Baldo, era custode del Museo Bicknell di Bordighera, il marito Taggiasco Antonio ne era il giardiniere. Durante la Guerra ebbe in custodia la raccolta di erbe e Fiori di Bicknell, per proteggaria de eventuali bombardamenti e la custodi nella sua casa a Sasso di Bordighera. Io, che studiavo a Vallecrosia nel collegio dei Salesiani, andavo a trovarla e sfogliavo con interesse e passione questo immense erbario”. Roughly translated; My aunt, Cristina Cerrina Taggiasco, sister of my grandmother Carolina Cerrine Baldo, was the custodian of the Museo Bicknell in Bordighera. Her husband Antonio Taggiasco was the gardener. During the war they had custody of the collection of Bicknell herbs and flowers in their home in Sasso di Bodighera, to protect them from bombing. I, who studied in Vallecrosia in the college of the Salesians, went to see the collection and browsed the immense herbarium with interest and passion.”

I think Tim will give us further details from his father-in -law about the war years and I’m sure you can pose questions for the Tribbioli family here or on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/clarencebicknell/