70 years after Clarence Bicknell’s death he was being referred to as L’Homme des Merveilles, the man who discovered the 11,000 rock engravings in the Vallée des Merveilles in the mountains on the border of southeast France and Italy. You can go hiking there (https://provence-alpes-cotedazur.com/things-to-do/the-most-beautiful-routes/hiking-alpes-maritimes-vallee-des-merveilles/), stay in on the little hotels in Casterino where Clarence had his mountain house and visit the Musée des Merveilles down the valley in Tende (https://museedesmerveilles.departement06.fr/). This poster was made by this museum on the occasion of our first Bicknell family expedition there and the 70th anniversary of uncle Clarence’s death.
Marcus Bicknell. www.clarencebicknell.com
Number 38 in our weekly series of Clarence Bicknell images .