
English translations below Siamo lieti di annunciare una grande mostra che coinvolge Clarence Bicknell e il suo amico Prof. Arturo Issel a Genova dal 25 novembre 2023 al 7 gennaio 2024. Il Palazzo Ducale di Genova ospita entrambe le mostre /chronos/ e una serie di conferenze e una il 20 dicembre alla quale

Clarence a Genova mostra e convegni, fine 2023 Read More »

Gisella Merello (storica, ricercatrice e scrittrice di Bordighera, e Compagna dell’Associazione Clarence Bicknell) ha onorato l’Associazione Clarence Bicknell chiedendoci di pubblicare su questo sito quattro dei suoi articoli, in italiano. Sono ciascuno relativo a Bordighera e Clarence Bicknell in modi diversi. Gisella Merello (historian, reseacher and writer in Bordighera, and Companion of the Clarence Bicknell

Articoli di Gisella Merello Read More »

Excerpt… set off in search of the largest Ficus macrophylla in western Europe. The tree, commonly known as the strangler fig, was planted in 1886 by Clarence Bicknell, British botanist, collector, lover of Esperanto and chaplain of Bordighera’s Anglican church.Bicknell loved the hilly, pine-covered coast between Sanremo and the French Riviera, but ended up loathing

Bicknell and Bordighera in The Guardian Read More »

Announcing an innovative exhibition involving Clarence Bicknell … CHRONOS… The AI-enhanced exhibitionTHE FOOTPRINT OF MAN IN THE ANTHROPOCENE OF LIGURIA350,000 YEARS AGO TO NOW The exhibition is curated by Stefano Schiaparelli (Associate Professor (Zoology and Marine Biology) at the Università degli Studi di Genova) acting for the university’s Rector’s delegate for the enhancement and propagation

CHRONOS exhibition Genoa November 2023 Read More »

We have just spent a pleasurable and stimulating day in London town presenting to the Kensington and Chelsea Over-50s Forum; beautifully run and in close harmony with the borough council. The event was in the presentation room of the Holy Trinity Church Sloane Square and I presented alongside Turner expert Selby Wittingham. One of the

Elhanan Bicknell, Clarence’s father, live in London Read More »

A Victorian Polymath in the Maritime Alps: A Passion for Wild Flowers The exhibition of botanical art and creations of Clarence Bicknell (1842-1918), as well as other UK-Italian themes, in the Guildhall Art Gallery during Q3 2024 presents exciting opportunities for sponsors, donors, and stakeholders to celebrate links with Italy. The exhibition coincides with Alderman

Clarence Bicknell Exhibition in The Guildhall London and Genova in 2024 Read More »

Clarence Bicknell – a video invitation to you from Marcus Bicknell to join the Clarence Bicknell Association – aimed primarily at Bicknells and the wider family in the USA, Europe and worldwide. Yes please, we would love your modest support, and it would be a pleasure to count you among our number. Marcus Bicknell invites

Clarence Bicknell – a video invitation Read More »

Message de notre amie Anne-Sophie Rousselot… Nous avons bien projeté le film LES MERVEILLES DE CLARENCE BICKNELL de Rémy Masséglia le dimanche 4 décembre dans notre cinéma.. Cette séance a été organisée en prolongement du 1er Salon du livre “Livres aux jardins” de Nice et dans le cadre du Cycle BIODIVERCINÉ, en partenariat avec la

Projection du film “Les Merveilles de Clarence Bicknell” Read More »