
70 years after Clarence Bicknell’s death he was being referred to as L’Homme des Merveilles, the man who discovered the 11,000 rock engravings in the Vallée des Merveilles in the mountains on the border of southeast France and Italy. You can go hiking there (, stay in on the little hotels in Casterino where Clarence […]

L’Homme des Merveilles – Clarence Bicknell Read More »

Watercolour by Clarence Bicknell of Astragalus monspessulanus (genus Astragalus), native to S. Central & S. Europe to W. Ukraine, NW. Africa. Conservation; Rare. Habit; Perennial; Not climbing. Vernacular; “Astragal Monpeliski”, and, in French, “Tragant”. Very little is given about this wild flower in the normal sources, so let’s talk about the man to whom Clarence

Astragalus and Burnat in the Book of Guests in Esperanto Read More »

In our regular postings on Facebook, occasionally here, we have featured at least three times Clarence’s watercolour designs based on the fritillary. It’s an extrordinarily beautiful bell-shaped brightly-patterned wild flower of the Alps – all its varieties inspired Clarence to exceptional artistic creations.This article brings his various fritillary creations on one page, and photos by

Clarence’s inspiring fritillaries Read More »