
We are pleased to confirm a second conference on the same weekend in November, in Bordighera, with the same speakers from the Clarence Bicknell Association … Incontro previsto per domenica 20 novembre nel Salone del Museo Bicknell di Bordighera, a partire dalle ore 16. Botanici sulle cime – Botanistes aux Sommets Con interventi diDssa. Daniela

“Botanici sulle cime – Botanistes aux Sommets” domenica 20 novembre, Bordighera, a partire dalle ore 16. Read More »

We are pleased to confirm the conference in Nice with speakers from the Clarence Bicknell Association … L’ACADÈMIA NISSARDALES AMIS DU MUSÉUM D’HISTOIRE NATURELLE DE NICEen partenariat avec LE MUSÉUM D’HISTOIRE NATURELLE DE NICEInvitation, Rencontre et conférences“Des Botanistes aux sommets”samedi 19 novembre 2022 à 16H30au Palais de l’Agriculture à Nice, 113, Promenade des Anglais, Nice

“Des Botanistes aux sommets” 19 novembre 2022 à Nice Read More »

New research shows the strong connections between Barry and Bordighera in the period 1920 to 1960. By Marcus Bicknell, October 2022 English version below the Italian Punti chiave: Claude Francis Barry (1883-1970) realizzò almeno 40 immagini di Bordighera e dintorni (15-20% della sua produzione totale), un fatto che non sembra essere noto né agli studiosi

Sir Claude Francis Barry: a British master painter in Bordighera Read More »

Eldonita en julio 2022 kaj nun havebla, tutmonde, de Amazon, aŭ en certaj librovendejoj kaj ankaŭ de se vi loĝas en Britio. The Book of Guests in Esperanto estas majstroverko de sindediĉo kaj talento de la stilo arts-and-crafts en akvareloj de talenta kaj distra multesciulo de la malfrua 19-a jarcento. Clarence Bicknell (1842-1918) konstruis

La Gastolibro de Clarence Bicknell en Esperanto Read More »

Clarence Bicknell’s Book of Guests in Esperanto is a masterpiece of dedication and arts-and-crafts talent in watercolours, published in book form worldwide.. Published July 2022 on Amazon and in selected bookshops. Clarence Bicknell (1842-1918) built his summer house, the Casa Fontanalba, in the Italian Maritime Alps in 1906, and year-after-year created hand-drawn vellum-bound albums featuring

Clarence Bicknell’s Book of Guests in Esperanto – published July 2022 Read More »