AGM 18 July 2023

The Annual General Meeting of the Clarence Bicknell Association will be held by Zoom on Tuesday 18 July 2023 at 15h UK (16h Bordighera, 10am EST). All 2023 members may attend by Zoom or in person at Homefarm Orchard, Kirby Close, Chalfont St Giles HP8 4FF. We will handle the formalities of the accounts, re-election of officers and any administrative issues of the Association itself.
You can read our 2022 accounts at,
our minutes at
and our statutes at

Our statutes provide that “Policy decisions and significant financial commitments shall be the subject of a written motion circulated at least two days in advance to the Committee.” We have no issues of that importance at the moment and are unlikely to propose any motions in writing. We can discuss fundraising for the 2024 Clarence Bicknell Exhibition in London in “any other business”. At the formal close of the AGM we propose to continue discussing issues of interest and any member may choose to stay on, usually for about 40 minutes. In lieu of committee meetings, we have been holding, every six months, Zoom meetings of several committee members, Companions of the Association and others. The Chairman is willing at any time, on demand of a committee member to call one or more committee meetings.


1) Presentation of the 2022 financial accounts (Marcus Bicknell, already approved by the treasurer Vanessa Bicknell) and their approval by the General Meeting.
Motion 1: The General Meeting approves the accounts as presented.

2) Election of officers of the Association

a. Committee members.
Chairman Marcus Bicknell
Vice-Chairman Graham Avery
Secretary Susie Bicknell
Treasurer Vanessa Bicknell
Committee member Renchi Bicknell
Committee member Christopher Chippindale
Committee member Alison Lester
Committee member Helen Blanc-Francard
Committee member Titus Bicknell

a. At the General Meetings of 2018, 2020 and 2022 Graham Avery stood for re-election as Vice-Chairman for a period of 2 years and was unanimously elected. He is in post till 2024 and there is no election this year.
b. Susie Bicknell stood in 2022 for re-election as Secretary for a period of 2 years and was unanimously elected. She is in post till 2024 and there is no election this year
c. Vanessa Bicknell, stood in 2022 for re-election as Treasurer for a period of 2 years and was unanimously elected. She is in post till 2024 and there is no election this year
d. Marcus Bicknell stood in 2022 for re-election as Chairman for a period of 4 years and was unanimously elected. His tenure lasts until the General Meeting of 2026. There is no election this year.
e. The other committee members stand in 2023 for re-election, normally for a period of one year but which we propose, as in the past, to extend by tacit renewal to the next General Meeting if it is not annual.
Motion 2: The General Meeting approves the re-election of all the committee members for the periods shown above.

3) Update from Marcus on fundraising for the 2024 Clarence Bicknell Exhibition in London. Expect a written note in the days before. You cooperation is requested in identifying corporate, charitable and individual donors.
4) Report from Marcus on other significant events and publications in the year.
5) Report from Marcus on membership drive.
6) Any other business