Some 40 eminent members of the Amici dei Giardini Botanici Hanbury visit London in May 2024 to see the Chelsea Flower Show. On this occasion they are invited by Marcus Bicknell to a dinner in their honour at the Garrick Club. There is considerable interest in the thetrical art collection of the Garrick but no provision for a tour of the galleries in the evenings. So we have put together a short guide to the paintings in the Milne Room where the dinner will be. This paper provides the bones of a short talk Marcus will give during the dinner.

We thank Francesca Centurione Scotto Boschieri, President of the Amici dei Giardini Botanici Hanbury and Professor of Italian Literature for her translation of Marcus’s paper and Alessandro Bartoli, Secretary of the Amici dei Giardini Botanici Hanbury, for his help in making this event happen.
Image, right, Remains of the Temple of the Sun at Baalbec by David Roberts, RA, 1846. David Roberts became a member of the Garrick Club in 1835, having been proposed by his good friend the painter Clarkson Stanfield. Roberts was also very close to Elhanan Bicknell; Roberts’ only child Christine married another of Elhanan’s sons, Henry Sanford Bicknell.
We publish the paper here for the edification of the guests in London and of anyone else interested…