
The Clarence Bicknell Association announces a campaign to raise funds for the Woodland Trust from the sale of celebrity-signed prints of fine-art-reproduction watercolours by the Victorian polymath, botanist and artist Clarence Bicknell. This first announcement is an appeal … to retail outlets such as museum boutiques and art galleries where the prints could be put

Celebrity-signed prints of Bicknell art Read More »

On 21st February 2024 I made a revision to the spreadsheet listing all the watercolours and the people who signed the Casa Fontanalba Visitors’ Book. The new version is at the same URL as before i.e. …https://clarencebicknell.com/wp-content/uploads/casa_fontanalba_visitors_books.xls. I needed an accurate list of all the watercolours in the book, where in the past I had

Revision to Casa Fontanalba Excel sheet Read More »

Celebrated artist/sculptor Halima Cassell talks about her love of Clarence’s symmetrical botanical watercolours which are hidden away in the archive of the Fitzwillia m Museum in Cambridge University. Symmetry is a way of seeing nature adopted with such success by William de Morgan https://www.demorgan.org.uk/. https://fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk/conversations/podcasts/in-my-minds-eye/a-simple-shape-repeated-halima-cassell Here is a gallery of photos taken in 2017 by

Halima Cassell and Clarence’s symmetrical watercolours Read More »

English translations below Siamo lieti di annunciare una grande mostra che coinvolge Clarence Bicknell e il suo amico Prof. Arturo Issel a Genova dal 25 novembre 2023 al 7 gennaio 2024. Il Palazzo Ducale di Genova ospita entrambe le mostre https://palazzoducale.genova.it/mostra /chronos/ e una serie di conferenze https://palazzoducale.genova.it/evento/laboratori-attivita-collaterali-alla-mostra-chronos/ e una il 20 dicembre alla quale

Clarence a Genova mostra e convegni, fine 2023 Read More »

Gisella Merello (storica, ricercatrice e scrittrice di Bordighera, e Compagna dell’Associazione Clarence Bicknell) ha onorato l’Associazione Clarence Bicknell chiedendoci di pubblicare su questo sito quattro dei suoi articoli, in italiano. Sono ciascuno relativo a Bordighera e Clarence Bicknell in modi diversi. Gisella Merello (historian, reseacher and writer in Bordighera, and Companion of the Clarence Bicknell

Articoli di Gisella Merello Read More »