Clarence Bicknell created this symmetrical pattern in one of the vellum-bound albums now in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. It’s the  Solanum linnaeanum Hepper & P.  – Genus Solanum Family: Solanaceae, which includes food crops of high economic importance: the potato, the tomato and the eggplant (aubergine, brinjal). The family contains also nightshades (Solanum dulcamara) and […]

Clarence Bicknell – symmetrical Solanum Read More »

In response to the recent newsletter from the Clarence Bicknell Association, Dssa. Daniela Gandolfi, director of the Istituto Internazionale di Studi Liguri and of the Museo Bicknell in Bordighera, Italy, sent us a most informative note about their recent work on Clarence Bicknell. The world was most impressed with their 2018 exhibition celebrating the centenary

Museo Bicknell, Bordighera, and the IISL – contributions to Clarence Bicknell’s legacy Read More »

We are delighted to announce that Clarence Bicknell will be well represented at an international conference on The Paradise of the English in the Ligurian Riviera – Stories, Landscapes and People at the Villa Marigola near La Spezia in Italy on 25-26 March 2022. I have been invited to present a paper and have co-authored

The Paradise of the English in the Ligurian Riviera – Clarence Bicknell presence Read More »

Flowering Plants and Ferns of the Riviera and Neighbouring MountainsClarence Bicknell, 1885 printed version of the book is available at AbeBooks for about £20 (print on demand). Copies of the first edition have occasionally been available in the past from specialised booksellers for about £350. Flora of Bordighera and San RemoClarence Bicknell, 1896 printed version

Clarence Bicknell’s three main books now available online Read More »

It was through his research into Clarence Bicknell that Graham Avery, the Vice-Chairman of the Clarence Bicknell Association, became interested in Fritz Mader. Fritz Mader (1872-1921) alpinist, geologist, botanist, glaciologist, speleologist and photographer, was the son of the pastor of the German-speaking church in Nice. He was educated at a French Lycée in Nice, at

Fritz Mader, Pioneer of Natural History – by Graham Avery Read More »