
The Clarence Bicknell Association, the Woodland Trust UK, writer Frederick Forsyth and broadcaster Clive Anderson, President of the Woodland Trust, have made a preliminary announcement of their joint campaign to raise several tens of thousands of pounds for the Woodland Trust’s objective to protect woods and trees, preventing the loss of irreplaceable habitat, nature and

Clarence helps today’s woodlands Read More »

On 21st February 2024 I made a revision to the spreadsheet listing all the watercolours and the people who signed the Casa Fontanalba Visitors’ Book. The new version is at the same URL as before i.e. … I needed an accurate list of all the watercolours in the book, where in the past I had

Revision to Casa Fontanalba Excel sheet Read More »

English translations below Siamo lieti di annunciare una grande mostra che coinvolge Clarence Bicknell e il suo amico Prof. Arturo Issel a Genova dal 25 novembre 2023 al 7 gennaio 2024. Il Palazzo Ducale di Genova ospita entrambe le mostre /chronos/ e una serie di conferenze e una il 20 dicembre alla quale

Clarence a Genova mostra e convegni, fine 2023 Read More »

Gisella Merello (storica, ricercatrice e scrittrice di Bordighera, e Compagna dell’Associazione Clarence Bicknell) ha onorato l’Associazione Clarence Bicknell chiedendoci di pubblicare su questo sito quattro dei suoi articoli, in italiano. Sono ciascuno relativo a Bordighera e Clarence Bicknell in modi diversi. Gisella Merello (historian, reseacher and writer in Bordighera, and Companion of the Clarence Bicknell

Articoli di Gisella Merello Read More »

Announcing an innovative exhibition involving Clarence Bicknell … CHRONOS… The AI-enhanced exhibitionTHE FOOTPRINT OF MAN IN THE ANTHROPOCENE OF LIGURIA350,000 YEARS AGO TO NOW The exhibition is curated by Stefano Schiaparelli (Associate Professor (Zoology and Marine Biology) at the Università degli Studi di Genova) acting for the university’s Rector’s delegate for the enhancement and propagation

CHRONOS exhibition Genoa November 2023 Read More » Illustrated Talk on Clarence Bicknell, the Renowned Botanic Painter by his great grand nephew Marcus Bicknell In April 2023 Marcus Bicknell and Selby Wittingham discussed Elhanan Bicknell’s early patronage of JMW Turner and more classical artists. Now Marcus, Elhanan’s great great grandson, returns to show how Elhanan’s son Clarence moved naturally towards the more

Clarence Bicknell: A Revolution in Art. A talk in London October 5, 2-4pm Read More »

The Annual General Meeting of the Clarence Bicknell Association will be held by Zoom on Tuesday 18 July 2023 at 15h UK (16h Bordighera, 10am EST). All 2023 members may attend by Zoom or in person at Homefarm Orchard, Kirby Close, Chalfont St Giles HP8 4FF. We will handle the formalities of the accounts, re-election

AGM 18 July 2023 Read More »